freedom driving school
My good friend and fellow designer Yuriy Zaremba approached me with an overflow of client work and a request to assist him with this custom WordPress website for Freedom Driving School. Using content from client's old website and existing company branding, I was tasked with designing a website refresh that's appealing to younger customers (students) seeking driver's training, while intuitive to older customers (parents) planning to enroll their kids into classes. Yuriy handled client communications while I tackled the website user experience and visual design on a short turnaround.
UX Design, UI Design, Graphic Design, Iconography, Collaboration
Created for Yuriy Zaremba.
UX Design, UI Design, Graphic Design, Iconography, Collaboration
Created for Yuriy Zaremba.
navigation architecture
After conducting user research based on experiences from the previous website, and collecting client feedback, the website navigation was structured in a more intuitive format allowing potential customers to quickly register for classes, while cross-selling related driver's ed services offered by FDS.
UX Wireframes
Once the navigation was approved UX wireframes were designed with added interactivity for rapid prototyping sessions with the client. This phase provided more feedback which helped to fine-tune the overall website content.
Ui designs
With all content established, final UI designs were created for all key website areas in accordance with company's existing branding.